Expectations During Recovery From Oral Surgery

Are you or someone you love about to undergo oral surgery? If so, be sure you know how to get the most from your recovery time to speed healing and to prevent complications.

During your procedure, you received some type of anesthesia. Recovering from the anesthesia is part of your surgery after-care. You may feel sleepy or confused. You are not able to drive yourself home and the dentist’s office won’t let you try. You will need a designated driver – someone you trust completely – to drive you home. This person will listen to any last-minute instructions from the oral surgeon and pick up any prescribed medication.

When you are home, it’s vital that you rest and relax. If you plan ahead, you can wear pajama-type clothing to the surgery, allowing you to slip into bed and begin resting immediately. Sleep is the best thing you can do for your body as it heals. Do not plan any activities for the first 48 hours following your surgery and do not lift anything heavy during recovery.

Take your pain medication as prescribed. Don’t wait to take it until you are in pain; try for some “overlap” between pills to ensure you are comfortable. Under no circumstances are you to attempt to drive while you are taking your pain medication. Don’t do anything important – like talk to your boss or write an email to your child’s school – because you can’t be certain what you might say while under the influence of the medication.

Eat only soft foods that are neither too hot nor too cold. Don’t eat crunchy or hard foods for up to six weeks following your surgery. Don’t consume alcohol at all while you are taking pain medicine – this could be life-threatening! Don’t drink from a straw during recovery, and don’t smoke.

To ensure a comfortable and successful recovery, follow these simple guidelines. The faster you heal, the faster you can get back to your normal life routines. Talk to our oral surgeon in Toronto if you have any questions about how you can best recover from oral surgery.