Toothcare Tips that Count

Taking care of your mouth should be high on your priority list, because being able to comfortably eat nutritious foods affects your whole body. Also, your self-esteem and happiness are related to having a healthy smile. Follow these tips for properly caring for your mouth.

Keep your mouth clean
The first and most important tip in a healthy mouth is to practice regular and careful dental hygiene. That means brushing at least twice a day, or even better after each meal. It also means flossing at least once every single day. To help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, you must remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along your gums.

Use the right tools
Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles, and toothpaste containing fluoride. Your dentist might recommend specialty toothpaste for you, such as those designed for tooth sensitivity or whitening. Also, it’s important that you learn the correct techniques for brushing and flossing so that you get the most benefits from using the tools.

Watch what you eat
Cleaning your mouth is important, but a close second is paying attention to what you put into it. Foods and drinks that are high in sugar, starches, and acids create an environment for bacteria growth and tooth decay. On the other hand, items rich in calcium and vitamin C are helpful for your teeth. Ask your dentist for a complete list of healthy and unhealthy food choices for your mouth.

Visit your dentist
Maintain regular dental checkups for examinations and professional cleanings. Detecting and treating problems early can make a big difference in both your oral and overall health.

General dentist in Toronto