Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Having your wisdom teeth removed is a common oral surgery. Dentists often recommend having them extracted because of the problems they causing already, or are predicted to do in the future. Wisdom teeth are usually the last teeth to come in, and can crowd an already full mouth. Or they might erupt in bad positions, causing both functional and cosmetic issues. Wisdom teeth sometimes become impacted, so that they cause pain or other problems under the surface. No matter why your dentist advises their removal, it’s follow through with the surgery.

Wisdom teeth removal is different for every patient. Some have an easy, painless experience while others say it was a horrible process. The best thing you can do is ask lots of questions up front so that you know what to expect, and to follow your dentist’s instructions for after care as well.

You will likely receive some level of anesthesia to have your wisdom teeth removed. If it’s a simple case, this might include only local anesthetic. Laughing gas is another option that relaxes you to allow the dentist to perform the procedure. Several levels of sedation are also possible, all the way up to general anesthesia which puts you completely asleep during treatment. Discuss with your dentist what your options are and which is recommended for your case.

After the procedure, make sure you have someone available to drive you home. You will require some help getting home and settled comfortably and safely. Restrict your activity as your dentist advises. Over-the-counter pain relievers may be enough to manage your pain, or your doctor might prescribe stronger medication. Drink plenty of liquids without using a straw, and eat soft foods for your own comfort as well as oral healing. Do not rinse your mouth for the first day or two after surgery to avoid further bleeding or pain. If you have questions about how you feel or the symptoms you experience, call your dentist to make sure all is well.

Wisdom teeth dentist in Toronto