Dental Implant Myths Debunked

Dental implants have become an increasingly popular treatment for patients who are missing teeth. Not only do implants improve function, but they also improve the appearance of your smile. However, as with many dental procedures, there are myths that exist that may be keeping you from seeking dental implant treatment:

  • Dental implants require excessive maintenance. Actually, dental implants function and are cared for in exactly the same manner as your natural teeth. Regular brushing and flossing and routine dental checkups are all you need to keep them healthy and functional.
  • The placement of dental implants is a painful procedure. This is false because when performed correctly while under anesthesia, implant dentistry should be one of the least painful dental procedures. While you may experience some mild soreness post-surgery, this pain is strictly temporary and easily managed with over-the-counter pain medication.
  • Dental implants are not appropriate for older people. The truth is that dental implants are successful for any age of patient and have become very popular with older generations.
  • The placement of dental implants is a long process. In reality, most implant procedures are completed within three months. In some cases, it can even be completed in one single visit to the implant dentist.

Dental implants enjoy a very high success rate for suitable patients. A skilled implant dentist can assess whether you are a viable candidate for the placement of dental implants, and answer any additional or specific concerns you have regarding dental implant surgery and aftercare. With proper placement and maintenance, dental implants can restore the function and beauty of your smile for a lifetime.