Facts About Amalgam Fillings

Although it may not be a familiar term to you, it is likely that when you think of dental fillings you picture silver in a tooth. That’s amalgam, which is a combination of several metals that have been used as a material for fillings for over 100 years. It is no longer the only option for fillings, but here are some facts about this age-old way to fill cavities.

Amalgam fillings were not placed using dental adhesives in the past. That means they may not be as secure as some other types of fillings. This means that older fillings can be prone to loosening to allow bacteria underneath, or falling out completely. Amalgam fillings placed today often have a bonding agent to hold them in the tooth better.

Tooth health
It’s hard to determine the health of your tooth if it has an older amalgam filling in it. You often don’t have any indications that a problem like tooth decay is occurring under the filling. Amalgam fillings can corrode, tarnish, or break down as they age and negatively impact your tooth’s health.

Cavity size
Amalgam may be the best choice for filling material when a large hold needs to be filled, or when the decay occurs on a back tooth. Amalgam is easier to manipulate than some other materials, so it can increase your chances of long-term success.

Since amalgam is composed of a mixture of metals including mercury, which has brought some controversy as to its safety. The mercury element of amalgam fillings has been studied by the American Dental Association and the FDA, and has been deemed safe for use in patients over the age of 6.

The biggest complaint about amalgam fillings is their appearance, because there is no way to hide the silver color. This causes some patients to choose a tooth-colored material called composite that is not noticeable in your mouth.

Replace your metal fillings at our Toronto dental office – schedule your appointment today.