Sedation Dentistry Makes it Easy

Even though most dental treatment involves minimal pain, there is often a negative stigma attached with going to the dentist. This is one reason that sedation dentistry has become a popular option in dental care. It allows you to be comfortable and confident about getting the treatment you need in an effective and timely manner.

What is sedation dentistry?
The basic definition of sedation dentistry is the use of sedatives prior to undergoing dental procedures. The goal is to reduce the pain and anxiety that can accompany dental work. The amount of sedation varies from patient to patient:

  • Minimal sedation lowers anxiety, nervousness, and pain. You will remain conscious throughout the procedure, and able to respond to questions and commands.
  • Moderate sedation causes considerable relaxation and eliminates pain almost completely. You will be awake but drowsy, and the dentist must provide very clear directions in order for you to be able to respond to questions or requests.
  • Deep sedation completely decreases your level of alertness, and the dentist must handle all aspects of the process because you will rarely be able to respond while under deep sedation.

Who is a good candidate?
Most patients are candidates for sedation dentistry. Sedation techniques give patients who might be inclined to neglect dental care a chance to successfully experience dental procedures. As with any sedation procedure, inform your dentist of allergies, medications, and previous reactions to sedation so that the right method can be selected for you.

What are the benefits?
Sedation dentistry reduces pain during procedures and increases your comfort level. It saves time for both you and the dentist, because you are often able to undergo multiple procedures during the same appointment. Since many types of sedation can be given orally, patients with aversions to needles don’t have to worry about that aspect of treatment. Another benefit is that many patients don’t remember what happened while sedated, so there are no lingering memories of pain or anxiety. That contributes to a willingness to seek dental treatment in the future as well.

Sedation dentist in Toronto