Smile Makeover Tips

Not everyone has a perfect smile. In fact, many people struggle with feelings of insecurity about their smile and unhappiness with how their mouth looks or functions. Cosmetic dentistry offers solutions for all sorts of mouth problems, giving you the ability to feel proud of your smile instead of embarrassed. Maybe a smile makeover is what you need!

There are a variety of procedures and techniques that dentists use to perform smile makeovers. The goal is to improve the appearance of teeth and gums, and to aid the mouth in functioning like it should. Some common procedures used in making over smiles include:

Fillings – tooth-colored fillings are used to correct holes caused by cavities and decay.

Bonding – composite resin material may be used to restore teeth from problems like chips or cracks. Teeth are cleaned and then shaped to a natural and attractive form with the bonding material.

Veneers – thin shells often made of porcelain are adhered to the surface of chipped, cracked, discolored, or misaligned teeth. They are shaped and colored to provide a very natural and appealing look.

Dentures – artificial teeth are customized for each patient and rest on the gums using dental adhesive. They are made to function and look like real teeth.

Braces – misaligned or crooked teeth may be corrected with traditional metal braces, or newer options like Invisalign clear retainers.

Teeth whitening – to reduce stains and brighten teeth, whitening methods may be used to restore smiles more than brushing alone can accomplish. There are a variety of options ranging from kits available at the drugstore to at-home kits from the dentist to professional methods performed at a dental office.

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