Teeth: The Facts

Everyone knows what teeth are, but there may be some facts about them that you haven’t learned. Here are some interesting things to know about your choppers.

Fact: You have two sets of teeth.
Your first set of teeth grows in when you are an infant, from about six months to two years of age. These are your primary, or baby, teeth. Your second set of teeth are permanent teeth, and erupt from age six through your early 20s.

Fact: Teeth erupt in a certain pattern.
Your first teeth to grow in are the incisors, which are in the center front of your mouth. These are followed by your first molars, canines, and second molars.

Fact: Teeth have different purposes.
Your front teeth are used for biting and your back teeth are for chewing. Your top teeth work with your jaw to tear, cut, and grind your food.

Fact: Teeth help with digestion.
Teeth are an important part of the digestion process, because digestion begins in your mouth when you chew your food.

Fact: Teeth help you talk.
Your teeth enable you to speak. Without them, your syllables would not be as clear.

Fact: Teeth support your face.
Your teeth help by supporting the muscles in your face, and help create the shape of your face. Without teeth, it is possible for your face to become disfigured without their support of your facial structure.

Fact: There are 32 permanent teeth.
Once all of your teeth have erupted, you should have 32 of them.

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