Tips After Dental Surgery

You may experience discomfort after dental surgery, but it can be minimized by following certain guidelines. If you care for your mouth properly, the pain should dissipate and the wounds heal quickly. Follow these tips after surgery to achieve the best results.

Delay rinsing
Avoid rinsing your mouth for at least 24 hours following surgery. After that time period, try adding ½ teaspoon of salt to lukewarm water and gently swishing it around your mouth. Rinse with that mixture 4 to 6 times a day to help reduce germs, because keeping your mouth as sterile as possible is important to the healing process.

Limit brushing
Avoid using a toothbrush for at least a week if you had a gum graft or root canal treatment. For other surgeries, ask your dentist when it is safe to begin brushing. An alternative to brushing is soaking a sterilized cloth in salty water to gently clean around your teeth.

Watch where you chew
You may initially have a gauze pad in your mouth to stop bleeding. Do not chew on the gauze or the wound in your mouth. When you’re able to begin carefully eating, do not chew on that area of your mouth and avoid hard foods.

Do not touch
Resist the temptation to use your tongue, finger, or other objects to touch the treatment area. This can damage the wound or cause infection.

Open your mouth carefully
Do not try to open your mouth too wide following surgery because your jaw will likely be stiff after being open for extended surgery time. Massage your face and jaw gently with a moist cloth, and do not force your mouth open too wide.

Avoid heat
Applying heat tends to increase blood flow to the area, which in turn can increase swelling. Inflammation is normal for most oral surgeries for up to a week, so ask your dentist about applying cold packs instead of heat.

Oral surgery dentist in Toronto Ontario.