Tips After Tooth Extraction

Having a tooth extracted probably isn’t on the top of your list of fun things to do, but it can go a lot more smoothly if you know what to do and what to avoid afterwards. There are some things that will contribute to your healing, and there are some other things that can impede it. Follow these guidelines to give yourself the best experience possible.

What should I avoid after tooth extraction?
The goal after extraction is to heal as quickly and painlessly as possible, so that you’re back enjoying your life. If all goes well, you can often return to your regular activities in only a few days. Here are some things to avoid:

  • Smoking or chewing tobacco
  • Using a straw when drinking
  • Chewing hard or crunchy foods
  • Drinking hot liquids or alcohol
  • Rinsing your mouth or spitting often
  • Sucking hard candies
  • Lying flat on your back

Sucking motion of any kind, which can loosen the blood clot or cause a dry socket. A dry socket means the bone where the extracted tooth was becomes exposed, causing pain and possibly infection.

What should I do after tooth extraction?
The first rule is to rest and take it easy. Some other guidelines for proper care include:

  • Take any anti-inflammatory medicines as prescribed by your dentist.
  • Change the gauze as instructed.
  • Elevate your head.
  • Hold an ice pack to your jaw as needed.
  • Eat soft foods and drink cool beverages. Eating ice cream may make you feel better, but not popsicles because they initiate the sucking motion.

Dentist in Toronto extracting teeth.