Whitening Your Teeth at Home

There are lots of reasons that you may not have a brilliant white smile. Age, personal habits, foods, medication side effects, and other factors can impact the color of your teeth. If you are unhappy with your smile and want to brighten it up, but don’t want to spend the time or money to have it professionally done, here are some ways you can whiten your teeth at home.

Possibly the simplest of all home products is whitening toothpaste. Just select one of the brands specializing in teeth whitening and brush with it instead of your regular paste. You must be patient though, because it must be used for at least a month before you can see a difference in your teeth. The results typically aren’t dramatic, but consistent use is helpful in maintaining a whiter smile.

Another popular choice is whitening strips, which are thin strips that contain a bleaching agent. You apply them to the fronts of your teeth and leave them in place for thirty minutes each day for a couple of weeks. They are easy to use, cost effective, and produce good results with proper use. The downside is that some people experience gum sensitivity if the peroxide ingredient touches the gums. Apply the strips carefully, avoiding your gums to reduce the risk of discomfort.

One of the most successful whitening options for home use is a gel pen, which is a device containing hydrogen peroxide gel that you paint directly on your teeth. It’s simple to apply the gel to the fronts of your teeth, and then leave it to dry for thirty seconds. You can do this 2 to 3 times daily after brushing, and results are often immediately visible. It should be used up to a couple of weeks, and then can be used anytime for quick touchups. It is portable and provides a great way to brighten your smile at the last minute. It can be difficult to reach all areas of your teeth with the pen, but in general it is a valuable whitening method.

Contact our Toronto dental office for professional teeth whitening.