Preparing for Your Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure

Preparing for Your Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure

There are many types of cosmetic dental procedures, from teeth whitening to porcelain veneers. While some procedures like veneers require little to no advance preparation, some procedures require more forethought. Make the most of your visit by making the right preparations.

All cosmetic dental procedures should begin with a discussion with your dentist. Your dentist is skilled and experienced. Your dentist best knows your teeth and your dental needs and can give you the advice you need. Some common cosmetic dental procedures and how to prepare for them are explained below.

Teeth whitening: Cleaning your teeth before a tooth whitening treatment will help you achieve better results. If you clean the plaque and tartar off of the tooth surface, the whitening will affect the entire surface of the tooth. Be sure to look at a shade guide before your procedure to establish your existing tooth color and to choose your goal shade. Teeth whitening is not recommended for expectant or nursing mothers, as the effects of the whitening chemicals on unborn children or infants has not been explored.

Oral surgery: Many dentistry procedures involve some type of oral surgery. To prepare for your surgery, follow all of the instructions of your surgeon. Make transportation arrangements, as you may not be able to drive. Get your medication in advance, so you will be prepared to take your pain medication or antibiotics immediately following your procedure instead of having to wait and possibly endure pain. Follow all of your pre-op instructions, including any diet restrictions. Plan your recovery diet beforehand, so you will have a variety of healthy, appropriate foods available to you.

Braces: Before braces are applied to your teeth, you will need a full check-up to look for decay or problems with your gums. After application or adjustment, your mouth may be sore. Treat this with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. Because braces may chafe initially against your teeth and gums, have some specialized wax available to place over the bracket to help shield your mouth until your tongue and cheeks adjust.

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Is it Possible to Whiten One Tooth?

Is it Possible to Whiten One Tooth?

Do you have a single tooth that has darkened due to trauma? The first step in determining if a damaged tooth can be lightened is to visit your dentist for a thorough examination.

Your dentist will need to identify what is causing the dark staining. To do this, your dentist may perform x-rays or other tests to learn if the pulp of the tooth is “vital” or alive. If the tooth is deemed to be alive, external bleaching may yield the whitening results you are seeking. Your dentist can create a single-tooth bleaching tray to whiten the traumatized tooth effectively. This type of tray keeps the bleach away from other teeth, producing the best color match for your overall smile.

However, if it is determined that the nerves have died and it is no longer a living tooth, your dentist may need to perform a root canal. Darkening of a dead tooth can happen immediately or may develop over time after a root canal procedure has been performed. For this type of tooth trauma, your dentist or endodontist may recommend bleaching the tooth from the inside.

Stains from a non-vital tooth come from the inside, rather than outside, of the tooth. Therefore, your dentist needs to put the bleach inside the tooth. This type of teeth whitening is a routine procedure that involves making a small opening in the tooth through which to bleach the tooth. Once this procedure is complete, you can assess with your dentist whether the desired results have been achieved. If the whitening is not enough, the tooth can then be bleached externally as well. If the results are still not acceptable, you may want to consider a tooth-colored veneer or crown.

If you have a darkened tooth marring your smile, consult your dentist to determine the best teeth whitening treatment to return your smile to its bright, white best.

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Tooth Restoration After Root Canal Treatment

Tooth Restoration After Root Canal Treatment

Root canal therapy treats the interior of the tooth. The final step in root canal treatment is placing a permanent restoration to protect the tooth and restore it to full form and function. This procedure should be performed within one month of your root canal treatment to decrease the risk of re-contamination or breakage of the treated tooth. Having a permanent dental restoration placed will extend the success of root canal treatment by preventing damaging leakage or fracture.

The general condition of the treated tooth and the amount of tooth structure lost will determine if the tooth would be best restored with a permanent composite filling or a dental crown. For small cavities in front teeth with insignificant tooth structure loss, your dental professional may place a tooth-colored filling after a root canal procedure.

More often, your dentist will recommend the placement of a dental crown to restore a root canal treated tooth. Teeth that have had root canal therapy can be fragile, and a dental crown provides the best protection against future bacterial contamination and fracture. A dental crown is made in a laboratory and custom fit your tooth. Crowns are made of porcelain, metal, or a combination of the two. Dental crowns can be placed on front or back teeth, and are especially appropriate for molars that must withstand heavy chewing forces.

Having a root canal treated tooth restored with a dental crown or permanent filling will extend the success of your treatment. If you are showing symptoms of a damaged or diseased tooth, a properly performed root canal treatment and permanent restoration can save your tooth and extend its function for a lifetime.

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Tips for a Brighter Smile

Tips for a Brighter Smile

White teeth are a sign of beauty and health. Having pearly whites shows that you take pride in your appearance and gives you a confident air. There are many ways to achieve a brighter smile; here are some tips to help you get that shiny glow.

Professional whitening is a sure-fire way to brighten your smile by numerous shades. In only an hour, your smile can go from dull and dingy to white and polished. Your dental professional can guide you in the best ways to enhance your look with tools such as lasers or whitening trays. Professional methods are the quickest route to a dramatic improvement in the shade of your teeth.

If you prefer methods in your own home, drugstores have lots of options. Whitening strips, gels, and toothpastes are only a few of the choices available. These typically require consistent use for an extended period, but they can improve the color of your teeth with proper use. Follow the instructions carefully for the best results.

There are also natural ways to whiten your teeth at home. Rubbing your teeth with the back of a lemon or orange peel can help, and adding a little salt can make it even more effective. Strawberries may be directly rubbed onto your teeth, or made into a paste by mashing them up with a little water and then brushing onto your teeth for five minutes. Each of these methods should be followed by thorough rinsing of the mouth to eliminate residue or acids left behind.

Baking soda is a proven ingredient to help brighten your smile. Mixing baking soda and water to form a paste that can then be brushed onto your teeth is a great tip. Follow up by rinsing with water or hydrogen peroxide, and then brushing normally with toothpaste.

Consult your dentist to make sure you aren’t harming your teeth or mouth when you try any whitening methods yourself. If you experience pain, stop and ask your dentist for advice. Do not use over-the-counter or professional whitening methods during pregnancy without consulting your doctor first.

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Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Special Occasions

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for Special Occasions

Most people have things about their smiles they’d like to fix. Maybe the things are minor or perhaps they are major, but most of them can be addressed with some form of dentistry. You may have been unhappy for a while with the smile you see in the mirror, but just haven’t felt the necessary impetus to schedule an appointment with a dentist.

To get that jump start toward your dental treatment, look ahead in your life. Maybe you have a class reunion coming up, or maybe a friend’s wedding. Perhaps there’s a job interview, first date or anniversary approaching. These special occasions are all excellent reasons to turn to dentistry treatments. Here are some of the most common procedures that could be used to transform your smile.

  • Teeth whitening – perhaps the most popular and common dentistry procedure, it utilizes light-activated bleaching chemicals that can lighten natural teeth and remove stains and discoloration.
  • Dental veneers – very thin, wafer-shaped shells crafted out of porcelain or another material that are bonded onto the natural surface of the tooth. Sometimes a thin layer of the natural tooth enamel must be removed in order to accommodate the application of the veneer.
  • Dental bonding – composite resin mixed to match the color of your tooth and then molded by hand onto the tooth’s surface to create the illusion of a complete natural tooth.
  • Dental crowns – restorative dental therapy that protects and preserves a natural tooth that has had a root canal treatment.
  • Enameloplasty – the correction of malformations of a natural tooth through hand-shaping. This is also the name for the removal of the tooth’s surface required for most types of dental veneers.

All of these cosmetic treatments will transform your smile for that special occasion. Get the bright, straight, white smile you want people to remember with the help of a little dentistry.

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How to Handle Sensitive Teeth

How to Handle Sensitive Teeth

Some people take a bite of ice cream or a sip of hot coffee and experience discomfort, usually brought on by teeth sensitivity. These unpleasant sensations typically occur when you eat anything that is cold, hot, or sweet. Several factors can cause teeth sensitivity, including tooth damage, over brushing, enamel wear, and whitening products.

To give your mouth relief and lessen sensitivity, consider these helpful hints:

Brush correctly
In an effort to maintain good oral health, some people brush too aggressively and end up damaging their teeth. Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently clean teeth at least twice a day.

Use the right product
For people with sensitive teeth, specially formulated toothpastes may reduce the symptoms. These products usually contain potassium nitrate, an ingredient that helps block the tiny tubules in the layer of dentin and reduces sensitivity with each use.

Watch your diet
Foods and beverages high in acid content, like tomatoes, oranges, and fruit drinks, contribute to enamel erosion, which is a main cause of tooth sensitivity. Limiting your intake will help lessen your discomfort. When you do consume these items, rinse your mouth with water afterward to minimize exposure.

Deal with bruxism
Clenching and grinding your teeth can make teeth sensitivity worse. Wearing a night guard will help control bruxism and help you feel better.

Be careful when you whiten
A bright smile is a great asset, but some people overuse whitening products, which can cause teeth to feel sensitive. Usually this sensation passes once you stop whitening. Make sure to follow all the directions carefully so that you don’t hurt your teeth.

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