Treating Bruxism

Whether you know you do it or not, grinding your teeth can be an uncomfortable problem for both adults and children. Medically known as bruxism, this jaw clenching and grinding condition can damage your teeth and result in painful side effects. There are several ways to treat bruxism in hopes of halting this behavior before long-term damage is done.

First, you may wonder why you are grinding your teeth in the first place. Stress is identified as the most common cause in adults, while obstructive airways is often the culprit in children. Enlarged tonsils are the first thing dentist look for in kids who grind their teeth, which can usually be resolved by removing the tonsils.

There are numerous reasons you should want to stop teeth grinding. Some of the common results of this behavior include headaches, earaches, receding gums, worn teeth, need for root canals or other dental work, insomnia, tension, and anxiety. After you have been grinding your teeth consistently, your lower jaw will likely recede and can lead to a painful problem called temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.

Bruxism treatment varies from patient to patient, so you will need to work with your dentist to find what works for you. Medications sometimes help, including muscle relaxants or anti-depressants. Botox injections have also been known to successfully treat bruxism. Because teeth grinding can seriously damage your teeth, most dentists advise wearing a nightguard to protect them. It can be bought at drugstores or more advanced versions through your dentist. The goal is to choose one that fits comfortably so that you can sleep while wearing it, and offers full protection of your teeth.

With the help of your dentist, hopefully you can find a solution to your teeth grinding so that you no longer experience the side effects and can reduce its effects on your body.

General dentist in Toronto.

Sedation Dentistry May Help You

Used to treat various levels of anxiety about going to the dentist, sedation dentistry helps patients face checkups and other procedures. If you are one of the many people who experience fears about sitting in the dentist’s chair, sedation dentistry may be the answer.

What is it?
Sedation dentistry makes you feel sleepy and at ease during dental treatment. Although it is sometimes referred to as sleep dentistry, it does not always put you completely to sleep. In many types of sedation dentistry, patients remain fully conscious and able to respond to questions and commands. However, patients become very relaxed and often don’t remember the treatment afterwards.

Are there different kinds?
There are several options of sedation dentistry that you can ask your dentist about:

  • Oral sedation – medications are taken by mouth, making it an easy and needle-free method. You remain awake and able to communicate, which increases your safety and cooperation, but still minimizes your awareness of procedures both during treatment and afterwards.
  • Nitrous oxide – often called laughing gas, nitrous oxide provides relaxation and a carefree attitude so that treatment can be performed easily and quickly.

What are the benefits?
Under sedation, patients can receive more extensive dental treatment than they might normally undergo in a single appointment. You might feel like your procedure lasted only a few minutes, while in reality it may have taken hours. This allows procedures that might normally require multiple appointments to be performed in only one or two appointments. Sedation dentistry also increases the likelihood of maintaining regular checkups so that your oral health is not neglected. Extensive dental work is often avoided due to proper and consistent treatment.

Finding a Cosmetic Dentist

Improving a smile can be a dream for people who have lived their lives unhappy with the way they look. If you are one of those people who wish you could smile without embarrassment, then a dentist may be exactly who you need to assist you in giving you the smile you’ve always wanted. The first step is finding the right specialist who can help you achieve your goals.

Cosmetic dentistry is a specialized area in which the purpose is to enhance your smile. It can involve a variety of procedures, techniques, and methods that general dentists don’t usually perform. The main thing is to decide what you dislike about your smile, and convey the issues to your dentist so that the best ways to improve it may be considered. Some of the most common treatments offered by dentists include bleaching, bonding, contouring, veneers, crowns, inlays, and onlays.

There are a number of ways to go about finding a dentist. Friends, family, and coworkers are good resources to ask for recommendations. You can also ask your general dentist, and research on the internet. Calling or visiting several dentist offices is appropriate to learn more about the practice and the doctor’s credentials. Also ask to see before and after pictures of patients who have had the same problems or procedures as you. Some things to consider when selecting the right dentist for you include:

  • Education and continued training
  • Feedback from patients about their experience with the doctor and staff
  • Membership in organizations such as the American Dental Association
  • Experience in treating patients with the same problems you have
  • Office location, hours, and availability
  • Professionalism and courtesy of the staff
  • Quality of the equipment and technologies available

If you find a dentist who meets the qualifications you are looking for, and who you feel comfortable and confident with, then there’s no reason not to make an appointment to see how cosmetic treatment might benefit you and your smile.

Dentist in Toronto for dentistry.

All About Tooth Sensitivity

If some foods and drinks make you cringe with pain or sensitivity, then you are one of many people who suffer from tooth sensitivity. In fact, more than half of Americans experience some degree of sensitivity. The most common triggers are cold, hot, sweet, or acidic items. Let’s find out why it happens and what you can do for relief.

The roots of your teeth contain nerves, which can cause pain if they become exposed. The dentin on your root areas can be revealed, which makes your teeth prone to discomfort. Dentin exposure is often caused by receding gums or periodontal disease. It is common for teeth sensitivity to worsen as you age, with people over age 40 experiencing it most often. Brushing too roughly, using abrasive products, and flossing erratically can also expose dentin. Regular consumption of rich or acidic foods may lead to erosion of your tooth surface as well.

Consult your dentist about painful or sensitive areas in your mouth so that the reasons for your tooth sensitivity may be identified. Early diagnosis and proactive treatment is helpful in relieving discomfort. It is important to address tooth sensitivity as soon as possible to allow you to continue with proper dental hygiene. If your teeth are sensitive, you may avoid brushing and flossing and you can end up with problems like decay, broken teeth, or cavities.

Your dentist can recommend a variety of techniques and products that may relieve your discomfort. Low abrasion toothpastes and specially formulated ones for sensitive teeth are available at most drugstores. Desensitizing mouth rinses can also be helpful. Advances in dentistry tools and processes can help prevent enamel erosion and protect your dentin. Maintaining regular dental visits will allow your dentist to keep you updated on the ideal ways to treat your sensitive teeth and prevent your condition from worsening.

General dentist in Toronto.

Keep Your Smile Looking Great

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, so it’s important to keep it looking its best. A healthy smile can make the difference in professional and personal relationships, not to mention how you feel about yourself. Here are some things you can do to keep it looking great.

Brush regularly.
Use a soft toothbrush at least twice a day, or preferably after every meal. It can be tempting to skip dental hygiene tasks when you get busy or tired, but your oral health depends on it. Don’t forget to floss once a day too.

Use mouthwash.
Rinsing with a mouthwash can decrease plaque buildup and freshen your breath by killing germs. Some brands have additional purposes as well, such as whitening or enamel strengthening.

Go to the dentist.
Try to visit your dentist every six months. Many people avoid the dentist because of scheduling hassles or anxiety. If you experience fear about seeing the dentist, ask about sedation dentistry techniques which are made to benefit patients like you. Regular dental checkups are vital for good oral health.

Avoid sugary foods and drinks.
Consuming too many sweets can harm your teeth by causing cavities and weakening tooth enamel. Limit the amount of sugary items you eat, and brush soon afterwards when you do choose those foods.

Keep your smile bright.
Professional or at-home teeth whitening are both ways to brighten your smile. Professional methods usually produce faster and more drastic results. Also, limit things that are known to stain your teeth like coffee, tea, and tobacco use.

Pay attention to what you do.
Be aware of things that you do, sometimes without even realizing it. Chewing on pencils or crunching ice can both damage your teeth, as does grinding your teeth when you are stressed. Often teeth grinding occurs while you’re sleeping, so ask your dentist if there is evidence that you have this habit. Also, if you are a tobacco user, do your best to quit so that your teeth and whole body are healthier.

Cosmetic dentist in Toronto

Stained Teeth Linked to Antibiotics

It may not be your fault if your teeth are stained. It’s true that staining occurs as a result of dark foods like coffee and red wine, or from habits like smoking. However, the culprit might be something you did during childhood, before you knew that it could be harming your teeth. Teeth staining can be caused by taking certain antibiotics during childhood, before your permanent teeth even erupted. Tetracycline, doxycycline, and minocycline are the specific antibiotics which have been linked to altering your tooth color. For this reason, doctors have stopped prescribing these medications to young children and pregnant women. But for some adults, the damage has been done and you’re left trying to find a remedy for your stained teeth.

What can I try first to restore my teeth?
Some people achieve success through teeth whitening methods, especially when stains are mild. Special whitening solution is applied to remove surface stains from your teeth, providing you with a brighter smile. Teeth whitening options range from over-the-counter products used at home, to professional treatments in your dentist’s office. Professional teeth whitening methods often provide more dramatic and faster results.

What if that doesn’t work?
For more stubborn stains, dental bonding is an alternative. Your dentist applies a thin layer of composite resin to the surface of your teeth, hiding the stains. However, if your stains are extremely dark, bonding may not be sufficient to cover them completely.

What if my teeth are just too stained?
Dental veneers are your best option for teeth that are severely stained from antibiotics. Very thin porcelain shells will be customized to fit the fronts of your teeth, and permanently bonded in place. Veneers can be matched to your natural tooth color, or even whiter if you’d like a brighter smile, to create a natural and beautiful smile.

Teeth whitening dentist in Toronto